Video Tutorials!
|We have started creating tutorial videos for Signer Studio – using Signer Studio.
Sigga Vala will join us for the creation of the videos. Sigga Vala is a Communication Specialist at SHH and has BA in Communication Studies from Gallaudet University. She is now studying for an MA in Contemplative Education at Naropa University.
Both Sigga Vala and Árni will be featured in the videos. Sigga Vala is a native ASL speaker and Árni will be speaking International Sign.
We have been using all features of Signer Studio, and the feature set is fantastic for this task. The prompter feature has been a godsend and having the prompts turn into subtitles as soon as you export is very useful.
You can see the videos on the Tutorials tab.
Here are a few behind-the-scenes shots.
Mjög spennandi og frábært frumkvæði sem örugglega kemur að miklum notum. Til hamingju Sigga Vala