Two Great Weeks at SHH

In January, Sinead and I spent two great weeks working with the people of SHH in Reykjavik Iceland.

The staff at SHH got a preview of a very early version of Signer Studio.  We got a huge amount of valuable feedback. At the time, the feature sett was still in flux.

The main findings:

  • People though the editing interface was easy to use and easy to understand.
  • People loved sign activated recording! In general it worked well. However, tests showed need for improvements in pauses (HIK)  that are part of the language.
  • The prompter feature was brand new and not fully functional at the time. The prompter is very useful for advanced use cases such as translation from text to sign language.


We would like to thank the staff at SHH for their great input and enthusiasm for Signer Studio!


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Vala og Trausti


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